ISC president, Jim Ritchie-Dunham, will teach "Responsible Leadership" in Boston College's MBA program for the fall semester 2022.
Whether you lead a team, department, organization, or network, as a leader you are responsible. You are responsible for the consequences of the choices you make in servingyour funders, employees, suppliers, local communities, regulators, society, and the environment.Responsible leadership is the ability to engage, transform, and transfer an organizations creative energy in service to its purpose in highly effective and efficient ways, generating greater value throughout the organizations ecosystem of stakeholders, an ecosystem you choose. As a leader, you are responsible for the alignment of the organizations purpose, actions, and broader impactsa coherent set of whys, hows, and whats.In this course, you will learn how responsible business leaders are outperforming their peers in outputs, outcomes, and impacts. You will learn their business-model and cultural-change strategies, meet their leaders, and apply their frameworks to case studies and your own organization.