Ecosynomic Pactoecography
The science of mapping the agreements fields (pactoecography) of abundance-based principles (ecosynomics)
From economic collapse, multiple wars, and deepening political divides to climate change, peak oil, healthcare costs, and extreme poverty, humanity is in the process of an economic, political, social, psychological, spiritual collapse. From one perspective, the way things are today is certainly not working.
However, this can also be seen as an opportunity for great breakthroughs. As one system of agreements breaks down, another emerges. If indeed there are hundreds of thousands of collectives globally experimenting with new agreements based on new principles — as our research suggests — then it is time for a “naming.” That is, a naming of the details of what is now beginning to appear, so that it can be seen more clearly; so that the new, emerging rules can be described, and we can learn more readily from our successes and failures.
Ecosynomics is a model of health that describes what people are learning about how to move from lower to higher harmony, vibrancy, and abundance. Harmony of interaction results in deep collaboration. Vibrancy of value experienced leads to deeper relationships. Abundance of resources sustains the life force of the group. There is a wealth of information on ecosynomics freely available for you here.
Pactoecography is the mapping of the social topography of human agreements.
ISC's research activities are focused on developing the new scientific field of agreements and the continuous knowledge expansion of the frames of reference that support ecosynomics.
In these pages, you can see the 2023 World Agreements for Ecosystem-wide Flourishing Report that describes the global state of agreements health, take our free agreements-health surveys, find out more about the People in our work, what they are discovering, our president's blog about the latest findings, case studies in our knowledgebase, and presentations, interviews, and podcasts about our research.
To move FROM a zero-based No! to agreements unconsciously accepted TO a net-zero-based Yes! to agreements consciously chosen, for everyone, everywhere, everyday. ISC is engaged CURRENTLY with affiliates, the global network, and Fellows in research on:
- Leadership for Flourishing
- Love as Collective Inquiry
- Agreements Field Equations
- Total Value Generated
- Global Initiative_MEDIR
ISC's work is shared through free eCourses on this site, and courses taught by ISC Fellows in the institutions where they work.