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Town of Vail: Living Labs

Town of Vail with Hal Rabbino

The project with the Town of Vail covered the first two weeks of December 1998, exploring how this very successful global-destination ski resort could meet the needs of its visitors and its residents simultaneously.  Using the emerging Strategic Clarity process, we engaged the leadership of the Town of Vail in a strategic systems process.

Initial Project Description

In this 13-minute exploration, Hal provides an overview of this strategic process, initial insights, key experiences or shifts in the participants, and documented impacts.

Video (or audio-only version)

ISC Live Lab Co-investment and Return on Co-investment

Context.  In 1998, we were refining our understanding of strategic systems mapping and developing the synthetic analysis method for identifying systemic leverage points.

Co-investment.  In this fieldwork in the mountains of Colorado, we co-invested our intellectual property of strategic systems thinking and system dynamics simulation.

Return on Co-investment.  The return on this co-investment was confirming the efficiency of our strategic systems process for unifying a diverse group of stakeholders around a common goal, a complex set of strategic dynamics, and the identification of a set of agreed-upon leverage points.

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