ISC Board Member [LinkedIn]
There´s a big challenge out there that reminds us that we can look inside ourselves and find the answers, a challenge which invite us to create a new consciousness and the ISC is now being a key element in this journey back to where we belong: abundance and prosperity.
I truly believe in the future of ISC as one of the most significant knowledge and practice sources about a new way to interact and to understand our world, a totally new perspective of individuals, groups and organizations and the way we live together. The application of Ecosynomic principles integrates nature’s processes of value creation, transformation, and propagation into the space of human interactions, structured around cycles of positive feedback and growth in the outcomes and experiences desired.
Ecosynomics translates and drives the natural phenomenon that occurs within human interactions, allowing the achievement of much greater results than normally expected, on a sustainable basis. Therefore, in thirty years maybe the concept will evolve but the principles behind it will become a new practice, a new way of being and living focused in a full development of potential as individuals, groups and organizations.